Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 8:00 AM - 8:35 AM

Communication at the Speed of AI

Featuring Justine Cassell, Dean's Professor, Language Technologies, Carnegie Mellon University and Inria Paris; Kate Kallot, Founder and CEO, Amini; and Andrew Ng, Founder, DeepLearning.AI, and Founder and CEO, Landing AI
Moderated by Stephanie Mehta, Chief Content Officer and CEO, Mansueto Ventures 

AI holds great promise for breaking down communication barriers, accelerating data collection and dissemination, and making information more accessible by processing and interpreting visual data. But misinformation, identified as a top issue in the World Economic Forum 2024 Global Risks Report, can also spread more quickly with the assistance of AI. Our panel looks at the power of AI and the ways leaders must manage the way they engage with this consequential technology. 

Justine Cassell Kate Kallot Andrew Ng Stephanie Mehta